KLEEM Mantra Chanting | 108 Times

KLEEM Mantra Chanting | 108 Times

This Powerful Mantra is known for
– creating harmony in relationships, be it friendships, marriage or business relationships.
– Attracting prosperity,
– Overcoming inhibitions, if you have social anxiety, or lack confidence, this mantra is said to be very helpful in overcoming inhibitions.
– Improving Health. The seed sounds la ee and ma resonate with the root chakra and third eye and crown chakra. Chanting this mantra will almost immediately remove the stress and tension. And regular chanting will help in regularizing blood pressure, and sleep problems.

Significance of Number 108

– There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti. 54 times 2 is 108.

– In Sri Yantra there are marmas where three lines intersect, and there are 54 such intersections. Each intersections has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti qualities. 54 x 2 equals 108. Thus, there are 108 points that define the Sri Yantra as well as the human body.

– The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Self-realization.

~ Remember to Breathe fully and naturally. Cultivate Mindfulness. Enjoy the Journey. Smile ~

Source:Meditative Mind

Youtube Meditative Mind

Kleem Mantra – Best Vedic Mantra to Attract Love

Kleem Mantra to Attract Love

Kleem Mantra is one of the best mantra to attract love and your ideal life partner. If you are facing following problems in your life then chanting Kleem Mantra can help

  • Not able to establish loving relationship with anyone till now. You may be shy or you may be pushing people away, what ever be the reason, Kleem Mantra will help you by changing the aura around you. Chant this mantra for atleast 40 Days and 108 Chants a day
  • Your Relationship does not last
  • You are in a bad relationship
  • You love and sex life is not at all exciting
  • Your partner has lost the feelings of love.
  • You are not able to love your partner

All these situations can be resolved by Chanting Kleem, If you can chant along with your partner together, this will amplify the effect. You can chant it anywhere you want. No need to sit in meditation pose or anything. You can even chant it in Bed. Or if you can not chant it, play it in the background.

Kleem Mantra – How to Use It?

Kleem Mantra is a powerful seed or beej mantra.

If we use it properly we can get many benefits out of it. In this post i will explain how to use it, so that you get maximum results out of chanting this beautiful mantra

How to use Kleem Mantra?

  • In one sitting yo should chant Kleem Mantra for 108 times. at the minimum. If you have more time then you can chant it for 108×2 or 108×3 times. but at a minimum in one stretch you should chant for 108 times. You can buy a meditation mala – with 108 beads, this will help you to count, without distracting you from meditation practice.
  • You should chant it subtly in mind or in low volumes. Take your voice as deep as possible, feel the vibrations of Kleem in your tummy.
  • The Best Time to Chant Kleem is very early morning, around 4AM. Do not do chanting meditation after a meal. Always do it before the meal.
  • When chanting Kleem, do not have any goal or aim or desire in mind, that you are chanting Kleem because you want a particular person in life, or you want a particular luxury car, or you want to win a lottery. Do not dictate your terms to the universe. Kleem does not work that way. When chanting Kleem, you align your vibrations with that of the universe, that ways what is best for you will manifest easily. If the person whom you love is best for you, chanting Kleem will make it easy for you to meet, and remove all the obstacles in your path
  • Chant it along with you partner, along with your family members or in a group. The vibrations become even stronger.

You can listen to Kleem Mantra below, its chanted 108 times and when you are working you can play it in Background.


Kleem Mantra – How to Chant It?

How To Chant Kleem Mantra?

  • You can chant it in the normal voice, or subtly in mind. a low, deep and subtle sound is best to chant Kleem Mantra
  • You can also chant it with your partner or as a family. Kleem mantra has power to bring families and partners together.
  • When Chanting, elongate the eeeeeee part of the word kleem, and mmm part should be small. Sound of  Mmmm is in between nnnn and mmmm.

Here is a Kleem Mantra Recording that you can use as a reference and also play in the background as you do your normal chores.

KLEEM Mantra – 108 Times

Here is a recording of Kleem Mantra – 108 Chants .. Its Peaceful, Soothing and a nice recording.


Significance of Chanting Kleem 108 Times.

– There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti. 54 times 2 is 108.

– In Sri Yantra there are marmas where three lines intersect, and there are 54 such intersections. Each intersections has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti qualities. 54 x 2 equals 108. Thus, there are 108 points that define the Sri Yantra as well as the human body.

– The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Self-realization.

KLEEM Mantra – The Love Mantra

Kleem Mantra is Also known as the Love Mantra.

Dr. Pillai calls Kleem the sound for “emotions, wealth, feminine power, and relationship power”.

Benefits of chanting Kleem :

It brings love, money and god in our side. It aligns the universe to our side. or you can say by chanting we align ourselves to the universe, align to the plan of universe. Whatever our deepest desires, our true desires are, those are given to us for a reason. Those are the plans of that universe wants to manifest through us, but overtime, we let that inner voice take a back seat, and go in the direction which is more appropriate in the eyes of society. But Kleem has the power to align energies around us, align us to bring to us what is really meant to be ours.

How To Chant Kleem?

  • You can chant it in the normal voice, or subtly in mind. a low, deep and subtle sound is best to chant Kleem Mantra
  • You can also chant it with your partner or as a family. Kleem mantra has power to bring families and partners together.
  • When Chanting, elongate the eeeeeee part of the word kleem, and mmm part should be small. Sound of  Mmmm is in between nnnn and mmmm.

Here is a Kleem Mantra Recording that you can use as a reference and also play in the background as you do your normal chores.

Its Kleem Mantra Recorded 108 Times. There is specific significance of chanting this mantra for 108 times, which we will cover later.

If you have any questions leave us a comments. Blessings!!